Children of FBC Richmond
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”
3 John 1:4
9:00am Bible Study
Kinder - 2nd
3rd - 5th
For our children that attend Worship (kindergarten through grade 5), we have 'Worship Bags' that are provided for their use during the Worship hour. Items in our bags are changed weekly to capture imagination and attention.
Holding a hymnal, watching fellow worshipers, praying with family...all of this is a learning process and worship. We believe that it important for families to worship together.
FBC Kids' Music, Missions & More
Children birth - 5th grade
5:45pm - 6:30pm
FBC Kids Music, Missions & More meets each Wednesday following the LCISD calendar.
Kids Church
The 1st Sunday of each month, our Children's Ministry hosts a special Kid's Worship from children grades K-5, led by the Minister for Children & Families.​​
Children exit the Worship Service prior to the sermon and are picked up from the Parlor after the close of the service.